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Open Space Task Force 10-01-2001


Meeting:                        October 1, 2001

Meeting Called To Order:        5:31 p.m.

Meeting Adjourned:              6:44 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT:        Herb Asplund, Marcia Banach, Pat Botteron, Louise Evans, Mike Gantick, Roy Normen, Bettyn Osborne, Karl Reichle, Jim Snow, Betty Warren

NOT PRESENT:            Carol Heffler, Sol Kerensky
*       Discussed and edited draft transmittal letter to the Town Manager regarding the eleven acre property located on Abbe Road Extension known as the Ireland Property.  Members are requesting the Town Manager to investigate this property further for possible town acquisition.

*       Discussed correspondence from Farm Brook Subdivision requesting that the Town take over its Association owned subdivision open space.  The Task Force feels this is still a property that the Town should not consider since the Town Council passed a resolution in 1994 rejecting the property as Town-owned land.  A motion was made by Warren, seconded by Gantick, to take no action on the correspondence at this time since the Town Council has already made a decision not to accept the open space. The motion carried unanimously

*       Presented material to be put in packets to prospective land owners.  Asplund and Evans will form a subcommittee to work on this project.

*       Reviewed status of pending business:

*  Possible purchase of development rights with Town and State monies is still being negotiated.

*  Councilor Fine asked about dead trees on the Barton property.  Gantick stated that the Town Manager would take this subject up with Councilor Fine. Gantick stated he is available at the Town Manager
*  Ownership of title to Old King
Next scheduled meeting is November 5, 2001.